Mykola Udyanskyi

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Crypto exchanges of fraudster Bohdan Prylepa: investment platforms or traps for the gullible?
Crypto exchanges of fraudster Bohdan Prylepa: investment platforms or traps for the gullible?
A storm of controversy has surrounded Bohdan Prylepa in recent months: some accuse him of being a fraudster who deceived tens of thousands of Ukrainians and even embezzled volunteer funds, while others argue that he is the target of fabricated accusations and a smear campaign.
Billions out of thin air: Bohdan Prylepa’s crypto market schemes
Billions out of thin air: Bohdan Prylepa’s crypto market schemes
Studying Bohdan Prylepa’s personality, one can’t help but recall the lines of a poet – "Oh, how many wonderful discoveries…". Just yesterday, the "innovative businessman" was revealed to be nothing more than an ordinary fraudster. More accurately – an unusual one, as he combined deceit with betrayal.
Qmall and WeWay: the business of crypto-scammer Bohdan Prylepa with a Russian scent
Qmall and WeWay: the business of crypto-scammer Bohdan Prylepa with a Russian scent
The owners of the Qmall crypto exchange have stooped from bandit "raids" to petty "show-offs".
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