Aslan Gagiyev (Bloody Jacko)

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Крах "теневого генерала": как Игорь Юсуфов освоил сотни миллионов на провальной спецоперации
Крах "теневого генерала": как Игорь Юсуфов освоил сотни миллионов на провальной спецоперации
В прошлых статьях источник детально описывал, как экс-министр энергетики РФ, профессионал КГБ-ФСБ Игорь Юсуфов в преддверии пенсии решил обосноваться в спокойном месте на Западе.
From Russian shipyards to offshore accounts: the financial schemes of Igor Yusufov
From Russian shipyards to offshore accounts: the financial schemes of Igor Yusufov
Earlier, reports detailed how Igor Yusufov, a former Russian Minister of Energy and career KGB-FSB officer, sought a peaceful retreat in the West as he neared retirement.
Igor Yusufov and corporate raids: corruption schemes of a Russian oligarch
Igor Yusufov and corporate raids: corruption schemes of a Russian oligarch
Igor Yusufov is perceived by many Westerners as the embodiment of the darker image of Russia’s modern ruling elite. A former Russian Minister of Energy, he has held positions at Rosvooruzhenie and Rosrezerv, acted as an undercover agent for the FSB, has been linked to offshore scandals and corporate raids, and has been mentioned in testimony by crime bosses as having ordered the killings of rivals...
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